Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wish I had more time to post, but this picture will have to "speak a thousand words." This was taken almost two weeks ago. Gosh, she's grown so much.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Quick Update

I have been meaning to post here for quite some time about the addition of our little one but things have just been too busy. I'll keep this short, but wanted to provide you with some basic insight into my life.

Parker was born via unplanned c-section, so it was an interesting ordeal. As I was being stitched back up, something happened, and I ended up with a terrible headache. Consequently, I had a CT scan in the middle of the night (it was clear) and don't really remember a lot about the first few hours with my little one. We stay nearly a week in the hospital recuperating. I think the doctor was just being cautious, and I didn't mind the extended stay.

I've had a lot of trouble breast feeding. My lactation consultant (my brother's wife's mom) has been a tremendous help and has said that all of the drugs I was on before, during and after pregnancy are to blame...glad it's not me! Parker has acid reflux, so formula feeding has been a reach chore. The baby Zantac is helping, but it must taste awful-- you should see the faces she makes. We're on our fourth or fifth formula now, and while it's staying down, she's getting constipated. Poor little thing has her good days and bad, but when she's not screaming her head off, she's precious!

I returned to work work Parker was just 3 weeks old because I didn't want my students to start with another instructor. Luckily, the administration has been terribly kind and is allowing me to come in just to teach classes then leave. Mom is keeping Parker while I'm at work, so I don't worry about her at all.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

She's heeeeere!

NO time at all to post, as I return to work tomorrow morning, but I wanted to take a quick moment to announce that Parker Claire was born August 4 at 8:27pm via emergency c-section. She weighed 6lbs, 10.9oz and was 19.5 inches long. She's beautiful and perfect (minus the acid reflux), and I'm loving life with my angel.

I'll be back to soon (hopefully) to post pictures and share her story. It'll be a long story, but it's something I'd like to document for the future.

Can't wait to catch up on all of you!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Due date?!?

So, my due day has come and gone and still no baby. For some reason, I always thought she'd come at least a week early; guess I was wrong. I'm starting to think that Parker is trying to show me who's boss, and she's doing a pretty darn good job of it. I think I'd feel better if I had some signs that she was going to make her appearance soon.

Unfortunately, she still hasn't dropped, I've yet to have a real contraction, and that glorious mucus plug is still in tact. I'm looking forward to our sonogram and OB visit tomorrow, so we know more about what's going on and maybe what to expect. One thing that concerns me is the LEEP procedure I had done about 3 years ago to remove some abnormal cells from my cervix. One complication of the LEEP is an incompetent cervix- I don't have that problem. The other complication is not dilating....I'm curious if this is my issue, but won't know till I discuss it with the doctor tomorrow.

A few days ago, I resisted the urge to post a vent about my husband who was really getting on my nerves with his lack of maturity and responsibility. Since then, however, he's like a new man. Wednesday night, he escorted me to my office in the middle of the night, so I could get things together for my classes in case I don't return at the start of the semester. When he came home from work Friday, he cleaned the bathrooms. After work Saturday, he mopped the floors. He's also unloaded the dishwasher, helped with laundry, and picked up dinner. I'm truly blessed to have him around, and I hate that I took him for granted a few days. Sure, his desire to go to a bar Wednesday evening was immature and not what I'd consider to be a "good idea," but he didn't end up going....maybe as a result of my temper tantrum.

Either way, we're going strong and looking forward to this little darling's arrival. I just can't wait to hold her in my arms!

Monday, July 27, 2009

NO progress...

I'm really starting to get frustrated with this whole pregnancy thing. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE being pregnant, but I'm just SO ready for Parker to join us that each day I don't start having real contractions, I find myself more and more frustrated. Sure, I know she'll come when she's good and ready. And, yes, I know that we're not even to our EDD yet (which is Sunday, by the way)... but she's taking those practice breaths in utero and is already over 6 lbs. I think the bun in the oven is DONE!

We went to the OB today, and I had to visit with a doctor who wasn't my regular guy. He was totally dull, didn't laugh at any of my jokes and talked to me like I was an idiot. It totally made me love my OB that much more. In any case, the protein in the urine issue seems to have resolved itself, I gained 1lb since the previous week, my BP was 120/74 (which is again, high for me, but totally normal) and baby's HB was 149.

As far as progress, we're making none. I'm STILL dilated to "fingertip" and she's still "pretty high." Substitute OB said "I'd be surprised if she came this week." Uh, yeah, thanks. We have a sonogram scheduled for Monday morning to check her size and then a visit with our usual OB. I'm hoping we'll have a plan...*sigh* Testing my patience already, this kid!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Single digits

Well, just 9 days before Miss Parker Claire is set to make her debut. I wish I had more to blog about these days, but my life consists of sitting in my bed (to keep my feet elevated) and sleeping upright to better manage the heartburn.

I'm alright though....sore, tired and round, but I'm happy to be that way. I'm still waiting to hear back from the doctor on the protein in my urine, so I'll update if it's anything noteworthy.

Just an update:

My blood work revealed that I'm a bit anemic, so I have to take the iron supplement every day now instead of every-other-day. Hello constipation, but at least it explains why I've been so tired.

All my pee was normal though. :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Jug of Pee

An entire post dedicated to urine...with a question in the last paragraph seeking advice.

I learned today that collecting your pee for 24 hours isn't near as fun as it sounds. (sarcasm, please) I was supposed to start my collection when I got up this morning. I woke up at 6, which is normal, but decided it would be best to wait until I woke up the second time to begin the fun. This was a good plan since I typically wake up every hour for my trip to the potty. Unfortunately (or fortunately), I was able to sleep until 9:30!!! No biggie-- I started the fun then.

Of course, by 2pm, I could see that my jug would runneth over before 9:30 tomorrow morning, so I put in a call to the doctor's office. As luck would have it, I had to head to Fort Worth to get a second jug. The 35 minute one-way trip was interesting....especially since I wasn't able to tinkle the entire time! Mom went with me, and we made it without a hitch...but know I tinkled the moment I walked in the house!

The most interesting thing about collecting your pee all day is realizing just how much you pee! Not how often, but quantity. I'm amazed. I get to tinkle in a little potty that makes me feel like I'm being potty trained again. The little potty has measurements on it, so I can see how many oz/ml I pee each time. It's been an interesting experience; that's for sure!

I return my collection tomorrow morning and they should have the results Thursday. Do you think it's too much for me to expect or too pushy of me to ask that MY doctor or his nurse call me Thursday or Friday with the results since my OB will be on vacation all next week? I have my regular OB visit on Monday with another doctor in the practice, but I'd really rather have MY OB look at my results and make the decision on how we proceed. I know in my soul that anyone in his practice is fully qualified to help me, but I have spent the last 30 weeks getting to know my doctor, not the doctor I'll meet for the first time Monday.
