Things seem to have settled down where the outlaws are concerned. I've pretty much tried to avoid the situation, so maybe that's part of it. Hell, maybe they've realized that WE made this decision and WE are moving. End of story. Who knows? I don't really care as long as things calm down around here.
I've got my hands full with preparing the house to move. Thank God I'm home for the summer and have my days to get this stuff done. We've reserved the U-Haul, contacted utility companies and gathered items to take to our local Hospice House. I've got my retirement transfer papers and information on COBRA. Why in the world does my new employer make me wait until Dec. 1 to start coverage?!? Hell if I know, but we're going with COBRA until then to cover our bases.
Another thankful moment for us was realizing we'd be able to stay with my parents while we figure out where we want to live. I don't know how I'd locate a home in Texas while trying to do everything I am here in Mississippi. My folks are great- they give us our space, don't ask questions and treat us like adults. My mom is hearing impaired, so she doesn't hear half of what goes on (works to our advantage when we discuss birthday or Christmas gifts, ha). My dad works second shift, so we probably won't see him much at all. He wakes at 9 (we'll already be at work) and gets home about 12:30-1:30. I'll be in bed by then- Mark might stay up. Nevertheless, we're thankful my parents are so generous and promise not to outstay our welcome.
So, that's a quick run-down on us. We're moving to Weatherford, Texas on August 7. Once Mark gets a job we'll either find a house in Weatherford or look in Fort Worth if necessary. (Crossing my fingers he gets a job in west Fort Worth so we can stay in Weatherford!)
Help Me Help a Good Cause
14 years ago