why do I find it so
difficult to post regularly? December 26
th? That was, what- three weeks ago? Good grief!
So, in my last post, I said I was feeling better- yeah, well, that was true until this week. The bronchitis has come back (or maybe never went away). My OB (who I adore) wrote me a prescription for some antibiotics, and I feel alright as long as I sit still and stay unproductive. In spite of the
respiratory crap, I feel alright. Peanut is still picky about some foods, but I'm able to endure almost anything. I still need my naps, but they don't seem to be as long as they used to.
Let me backtrack:
Dec. 28-30: Trip to
Tx for a friend's wedding-- this was lots of fun. Somehow they all found out I'm pregnant, so my mysterious napping and avoiding of the wine was quite the topic of conversation. Mark and I stayed at the winery where he proposed- it was a great surprise.
Dec. 31- First appointment with the new OB. He's a
freakin' riot! My RE referred me to this guy because he thought our personalities would match-- he was right on! OB tried to let us hear the heartbeat, but at just 9 weeks, it was sill a bit early. He felt my uterus though and said "yup- you've got something in there." Uh, okay-- that was reassuring. They did lots of blood work, a pap, breast exam, etc. Mark sure enjoyed observing all of that.
New Years- yeah, I was in bed by 9pm. Mark woke me at 12 and said "Happy New Year," gave me a kiss on the forehead and walked out of the room to where my parents were chilling. We're a wild and crazy pair, I tell ya!
Jan. 7- We closed on our new house! The moment was really less climatic than I expected, but we were happy (and ready) to move out of mom and dad's
Jan. 12- I went back to work and the menfolk (Mark, dad, brother) moved us into the new house. We managed to get the bed put together and stayed the night in our home. It was really nice to wake up to OUR place. Of course, I had to run by the parents' to get something to wear to work because clothes are semi-important.
Jan. 16- Second appointment with the OB who apologized for being "stupid" since he "delivered 2 babies the previous night and had one more brewing." He was really pleased. I was 11 weeks, 3 days at the appointment. Sonogram looked good. Peanut was all wadded up in one side of my uterus. Heard the heartbeat, which was super cool-- 173
bpm. OB says we should expect peanut in early August (the 4
th), which works well since classes begin at the end of August. I can go in to teach classes but have modified office hours the first few weeks of classes. Mom will watch Peanut for a while...at least the first semester of school.
So, yeah, I guess that brings us up to speed. We still have a lot of stuff at mom and dad's, but have managed to get everything out of storage. I don't live well in chaos, so I'm looking forward to getting things put where they belong. Mom took care of the kitchen for me, so that's real progress.
Now that school is back in session, and I'll be at a computer each day, maybe I can update more regularly...