I can't believe how quickly the past few months have flown. I'm SO excited the end of the semester is upon me, and while I will be teaching over the summer, the schedule will be much less hectic. For the past semester, I've been teaching 8 courses for 3 separate institutions, which means three separate textbooks. Who thought signing up for all of this was a good idea?!? Good grief!
I'm happy to report that everything is going well with little Parker Claire who is now set to make her debut on August 2nd. I had my first shower last week, and it was a lot of fun. The gals (and gents) in my office are really great. Our big shower is May 30 (hosted by two sorority sisters of mine). The shower will be a couples shower with some of my family, but mostly friends. Mark's family will host a shower after Parker is here....it'll just be his brothers, sisters and parents in attendance, so I'm hoping it'll be pretty low-key.
At my recent OB appointment, my blood pressure was 110/68, which made me very happy. I did my glucose test, so we'll see what happens with that. The doctor did tell me I need to start gaining some weight. Since about 9 weeks pregnant, I've only gained 3 pounds, but I'm still down 7 from when we got knocked up. Unfortunately, the doctor said I need to eat HEALTHY options to gain the weight. I assume "healthy" does not include my passion for Skittles, Starbursts, or anything gummy! BAH.
I'm off to a meeting, but wanted to quickly post. I look forward to catching up with y'all now that things are slowing down here a bit.