Friday, December 26, 2008

Forgive me bloggers,

for I have sinned. It has been 21 days since my last post.

All is well, dear friends-- life has just been a bit busy. I'm FINALLY over all my sickness. This, after nearly 6 weeks of doctor's visits, numerous rounds of antibiotics, steroids, and a visit to the ER. Yeah, exciting stuff. But, like I said, I'm feeling well now. I started with a stomach bug, got bronchitis then added tonsillitis, sinusitis and an ear infection to the mix. Fun!

In any case, I'm now 9 weeks along, and things appear to be progressing nicely. I finally had my first case of morning sickness (albeit at night) about a week ago. I've only lost my dinner 3 times and have had 2 random experiences with the nausea. We got to see pictures of Peanut at our last visit with the fertility specialist. We were also able to see the heartbeat, so that made me feel a bit better about this situation.

Today is the final walk through of our new house. We are expecting to close next Wednesday (NYE) and then have our first OB appointment that afternoon. So, looks like we'll end 2008 with a bunch of exciting stuff. We have no plans for New Years, and I'm a-okay with that.

So, yeah, despite the hormonal ups and downs, life is good.....I need to catch up with y'all now!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Steroids and Mexican...

Well, the doctor's nurse said not to use the steroid inhaler because it's a Class C drug. She said if it was an emergency, once-in-a-while use thing, it would be okay, but I shouldn't take it every day. Well, this inhaler only works when you take it daily. So, I'll stick with the albuterol, stay on the Robitussin and just try to take it easy. I'm heading back to San Antonio for a conference tomorrow, so that means a lot of walking. I'll just have to listen to my body and take my time. I feel better though, so that's a good thing. If I'm still feeling some difficulty breathing next week, however, I'll talk with my doctor at the ultrasound.

Speaking of, if everything looks good at the ultrasound next Thursday, my RE will be releasing me to a normal OB. I'm kinda sad about this, as I've really grown to love my RE's office even though I've only been going there since October.

Now, the Mexican....two things, really. The Mexicans who are building our house are doing a FABULOUS job, and they're so nice. We don't much, of course, because I don't speek their language. But I said "thank you" to them last night, and their little faces just beamed. I was tempted to say "gracias" but was afraid they'd think I spoke the language.

Second Mexican thing-- if I'm having cravings, that's it. We're having fajitas for our work Christmas party, and I swear I'm drooling just thinking about it. And then, I'll be in San Antonio for 4 days, and you know that's all I'm going to eat. Peanut might look like Arnold Schwartznager, but it will say "I'll be back" with a Spanish flair!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Betas are in

Well, results from the blood work look good. I'm at 5849 or something like that. I go in next Thursday for my first ultrasound, and I'm super stoked.

In other news, I wound up in the ER last night. I just can't seem to kick this bronchitis crap, and since I was having difficulty breathing, I decided it was smart to go in and get checked out. A few hours later, we left....had an albuterol treatment and a steroid shot. The doctor then prescribed me a steroid inhaler. I'm waiting to get that prescription filled after I speak with my RE. I'm so concerned about our little Peanut. I'm afraid he/she will be born with a full chest of hair (thanks to the two doses of steroids) or maybe three arms. BLEH!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I'm feisty!

I don't know what my deal is lately, but I have absolutely zero patience. This isn't the greatest trait to have at the end of a semester when students are coming up with all sorts of random excuses for not submitting assignments or being prepared for class. I'm at my wits end.

To add insult to injury, I had to go to the RE this morning for more blood work. When the nurse made the appointment, she wanted to do it at 8:45. I reminded her that I teach a class at 10am and the office is about 45 minutes away from work. She said, "No problem. Just come in at 8." Okay, so I wake up early, get dressed and walk into the doctor's office at 8:05am. I sat there until 9:15am watching ladies come and go while I just sat there. I knew they only had one gal doing blood work and the other was doing ultrasounds, but I watched several gals who came in after me leave with puncture wounds. I finally asked the gal at the desk when I should be expected to go, and she said "Why are you still here? I gave them your chart a long time ago." GRRR! Within 5 minutes, I was called back, and by 9:30, I was leaving the office. Uh, yeah, do the math- I was late to teach my class. Now that's what I call professional!

*sigh* So now I wait for the results of my blood work. I'm praying for good numbers!