Monday, July 7, 2008

Exciting stuff

It's been a while since I've posted because I've been pretty busy. Here's the recap:

Important news- I ovulated on Thursday! Still waiting for blood work to confirm, but since my temps are still up, I feel pretty good about it. I'm now 11dpo and my temps keep going up! I'm excited but trying not to get my hopes up. My husband and I decided not being pregnant right now would probably be a blessing (see below), but if it happens, we'll embrace it- of course!

Texas visit- I left Friday morning for Texas to spend time with my family. I ended up interviewing for a job while I was there, and they called the next day to ask permission to contact my current employer. Looks like we will be moving back to Texas in the next 6-8 weeks! (That'll keep me busy.)

So, now we just need to find my husband a job. He's hesitant to start looking until I have an actual offer, which will probably be by Wednesday.


Molly said...


Stephanie said...

I'm so glad you ovulated!! And that you got offered a new job. How exciting. Congrats!