Thursday, December 4, 2008

Betas are in

Well, results from the blood work look good. I'm at 5849 or something like that. I go in next Thursday for my first ultrasound, and I'm super stoked.

In other news, I wound up in the ER last night. I just can't seem to kick this bronchitis crap, and since I was having difficulty breathing, I decided it was smart to go in and get checked out. A few hours later, we left....had an albuterol treatment and a steroid shot. The doctor then prescribed me a steroid inhaler. I'm waiting to get that prescription filled after I speak with my RE. I'm so concerned about our little Peanut. I'm afraid he/she will be born with a full chest of hair (thanks to the two doses of steroids) or maybe three arms. BLEH!


Shannon said...

Great beta numbers! I hope you start feeling better soon and that you dont have an Arnold Schwarzenegger baby because of the inhaler (JK :)

Melissa said...

If baby's first words are "I'll be back" we'll know why!

Texas Regs said...

Awesome beta numbers!! Try not to worry about the steroids, they wouldn't give you anything to harm the peanut. Congrats again!

♥ Lovfer♥ said...

Those numbers are great! I'm sorry you're feeling so crappy though, hopefully it goes away soon. Don't worry about Peanut, I'm sure s/he will be just fine :)