Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Oxygen would be nice

I'm doing alright, but this bronchitis is kicking my ass. I'd be so happy if I could sleep through the night and take a good, deep breath. I've got a call into the doctor, so hopefully he can provide some relief somehow.

One of the bad things about having bronchitis and being pregnant is that every time I cough, I pee. I'm tired of peeing on myself. I try to empty my bladder often, but serious- I took care of business 7 minutes ago, coughed and now have to change my pants....again. I may start wearing Depends or something. wth?

Classes are going well. I've got a lot of really outgoing students, so it should be a pretty energetic semester.

Yup- that's it. Posting more often is fun, eh?

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