Monday, November 3, 2008

Yes, I've been MIA again

Seriously, why can't I just log on here and blog once or twice a week? Why is that so difficult? Well, it's not, but my life has been a bit chaotic for the past three months. All is well, mind you, just busy! I used to get home from work and piddle around on the computer until Mark got home. Now, I go home to my mom's and she's always got things for us to do. I miss my computer time with all "my gals!"

Well, here's the news. Our new RE diagnosed me with PCOS. It's something I've assumed I had for a while now, but was never officially diagnosed. He did an u/s and I have a mass on my right ovary. He's not sure if it's endometriosis or just a growth, but he's fairly certain it's not cancer. He gave us the option of "watching" Gertrude the Growth for now or having a lap to check it out. He suggested watching Trudie and proceeding with IUI.

So, we've found out that Mark's got Super Sperm (anyone watch Rules of Engagement?) and I had an HSG (CIS) that revealed the tubes are clear. I'm still taking Clomid and Fortamet this cycle and started Follistim last Saturday. The shots aren't nearly as terrifying as I thought they'd be, but I've had some soreness to get through. I've had three more u/s this cycle and he's increased the dosage. Today is cd14, and I'm waiting for a call from the nurse to see what's next. I only have one follicle that's of any significant size (13mm) right now.

So, yeah, while trying to come up with the down payment for a house we've started building, we just shelled out two grand for a chance at having a child. Who knows? Maybe this will be worth it and I can spend my Spring moving into the house and preparing for baby. I guess we'll find out in about 2-3 weeks!

Now, off to read about what y'all have been getting into....

1 comment:

Ro @ Ro is me! said...


I'm so glad to hear from you! I've been missing you, girl! I'm sorry about about the PCOS and your ovary. I hope that it all turns out well for you, dear! Good luck this cycle!