Friday, June 13, 2008

Lettuce is not my friend

I've been trying to loose weight most of my life. I remember being a kid and knowing that I was heavier than the others. When in the third grade, I went with a friend to her doctor's appointment, and he checked my weight too. Yup, I was over 100 pounds then! I was an active kid, never one to sit and watch tv or play video games. I loved dancing 4-5 hours a day, but was always a chunky kid.

In high school, I auditioned for the drill team and was put on the "alternate" list. I was told that if I got down to a healthy weight, I'd be able to perform. I missed half the football season, but did managed to get from a size 16 to a size 9. By the time I entered college, I was a 12, and up to a 16 again before I completed my BS degree. I managed to get a handle on things in my late-twenties and lost 30 pounds before meeting my husband. I'd gained 15 of that back before we got married, and now that we're approaching our first anniversary, I'm even heavier than before (by a few pounds). BAH!

Since I know my weight could affect trying to conceive, I've been trying to eat more healthy and exercise. In an effort to be healthy this week, I've had a lot of salads (no cheese, dressing on the side, low fat croutons). Uh, I forgot Fortamet and lettuce don't mix! I've spent the last two days in bed with an upset stomach and flaming butt. (Nice picture, huh?) Stupid lettuce-- this is what I get for trying to be healthy! ;)


Kristin (kekis) said...

Thank you for merely describing your stomach & butt rather than using a photo. :)

You and I need to chat about Commerce. It's lovely there this time of year!

Stephanie said...

I have heard this so many times about fortamet and lettuce...I am now terrified to eat salad. I hope you feel better soon!