Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday, Monday

Nothing super exciting to report these days- still in the old holding pattern. Mark had the weekend off, and we enjoyed spending some time together in the daylight. He works so much and has such a long commute, that quality time just doesn't happen as often as it once did. Hopefully we'll fix that soon. We didn't do anything earth shattering- circus Thursday night, dinner out with his family Friday night, shopping on Saturday afternoon and Sunday "lay low" time.

I heard from the college in Texas on Friday, and it looks like we'll know something (interview-wise) early this week. I have my cd17 ultrasound tomorrow in Jackson. I think I'm going to pack a bag for Texas, and if the doctor says I'm not going to ovulate, I'll head to Texas after my appointment. If I'm going to ovulate, I'll drive back to Tupelo to spend some quality time with my husband. Once in Jackson, I'm about a third of the way to Texas, so it makes sense to keep chugging along if I'm not going to ovulate. I'll be able to stay a little over a week with my family, and hopefully the college will want to interview me in that time.

So, yeah, no news is good news right?!? Wish me luck tomorrow!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Good luck at your u/s tomorrow. I hope it shows you are going to O! At least even if you aren't, you have a good plan to go and visit your family. I'm sending lots of prayers your way for a good u/s tomorrow. ((hugs))