Monday, November 24, 2008

The world's ugliest chart results... a freakin' pregnancy! The past two and a half weeks have been a real roller coaster ride. The weekend before my IUI, I had some sort of 72 hour stomach bug. Had the IUI on Friday the 7th and the following Tuesday I was in the doctor's office diagnosed with bronchitis. It's not been a lot of fun. (Was back to the doctor today and she was freakin' out because I'm knocked up. She called my infertility doctor to get my meds approved- wild.)

I had several days where my temps dipped below the coverline, and I just knew that was the end of it. But, Friday (14dpo) came and went- had a negative hpt but no period. I gathered the courage to test again on Sunday. I woke up at 5am coughing and decided to go ahead and pee on a stick since I had to go. All I had was a digital and I'll be damned if that "pregnant" didn't pop up almost immediately!

I went back to the bedroom to tell my husband. I found his eye glasses and woke him up. "Here, put these on," I said. "What? What's going on," he asked in his sleep. I shoved the pee stick in his face (well, not the PEE end) and said "Read this." He squinted around a bit and then you could see the light bulb click on in his head. He was cute.

We've both been very cautious not to get too emotionally involved yet. I had my first bloodwork for Beta levels today, and it was 242. I'll go back Wednesday to check it again.

I lied to my mother the other day. As you may remember, we're living with my folks while building a house (which is coming along quite nicely). We want to be able to surprise my parents for Christmas (about 8 weeks along), so I told mom I started my period on Saturday. You could tell she felt bad for us, but it's the only way that I can share this time with my husband privately (well, and you guys!).

We're not sure how to tell Mark's family since they're in Mississippi, and we don't know when we'll be able to make it out there-- maybe MARCH? We might have to get creative and do something with a web cam or whatever. We'll see.

Thank you all for your continued support, prayers, and BFP dust. ;) We've still got a long ways to go, but at least we've made it this far.


Angie said...

OMG!!! Congratulations! I am so excited for you. Happy and Healthy 9 months!

Shannon said...

Molly, I am so happy for you that I just screamed :) Congrats to you, I wish you a H&H 9 months!

Ro @ Ro is me! said...


♥ Lovfer♥ said...

OMG!!! Congratulations girl! I'm so happy for you :)

L said...

Congrats sweetie!

♥Tara said...

holy shit molly!!!!! im so happy for you sweetie!! H&H 9 months love!

Kristin (kekis) said...

AWESOME!!!!!! lmao that you lied to your mom!

Megan said...

Congrats Molly! I'm so excited for you!! Happiest and healthiest 9 months to you, sweetie!

Texas Regs said...

Yay!!! I am so excited for you!! Congrats to both you and Mark!!!

LuLu said...

Soooo incredibly excited for you hun!! This is just absolutely wonderful news!