Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Jug of Pee

An entire post dedicated to urine...with a question in the last paragraph seeking advice.

I learned today that collecting your pee for 24 hours isn't near as fun as it sounds. (sarcasm, please) I was supposed to start my collection when I got up this morning. I woke up at 6, which is normal, but decided it would be best to wait until I woke up the second time to begin the fun. This was a good plan since I typically wake up every hour for my trip to the potty. Unfortunately (or fortunately), I was able to sleep until 9:30!!! No biggie-- I started the fun then.

Of course, by 2pm, I could see that my jug would runneth over before 9:30 tomorrow morning, so I put in a call to the doctor's office. As luck would have it, I had to head to Fort Worth to get a second jug. The 35 minute one-way trip was interesting....especially since I wasn't able to tinkle the entire time! Mom went with me, and we made it without a hitch...but know I tinkled the moment I walked in the house!

The most interesting thing about collecting your pee all day is realizing just how much you pee! Not how often, but quantity. I'm amazed. I get to tinkle in a little potty that makes me feel like I'm being potty trained again. The little potty has measurements on it, so I can see how many oz/ml I pee each time. It's been an interesting experience; that's for sure!

I return my collection tomorrow morning and they should have the results Thursday. Do you think it's too much for me to expect or too pushy of me to ask that MY doctor or his nurse call me Thursday or Friday with the results since my OB will be on vacation all next week? I have my regular OB visit on Monday with another doctor in the practice, but I'd really rather have MY OB look at my results and make the decision on how we proceed. I know in my soul that anyone in his practice is fully qualified to help me, but I have spent the last 30 weeks getting to know my doctor, not the doctor I'll meet for the first time Monday.


1 comment:

Angie said...

Molly, I know exactly what you are going through. I had to do the urine collection last week, and they weren't even gonna offer me the "hat" to catch the pee in.

I personally would ask to have your dr. call you with the results. That dr. has the concern and maybe the other dr. might not be as concerned.

I hope it turns out ok.