Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Stop the press!

A super short entry this evening simply to share the great news.... The fertility specialist says I'm going to ovulate this cycle!!! I had my ultrasound this morning, and he says I should ovulate Wednesday or Thursday of this week. I'm super stoked!

I'll go in next Thursday for bloodwork to confirm ovulation, but I figure I'll know before then due to charting.

HUGE thanks to all of you for your crossed fingers, words of encouragement and overall support.

In other news, no word from the college in Texas. I'm going to put my visit on hold until at least Friday, so I can try to make a baby and have some sexy-sexy time with my husband. My niece's birthday party is Sunday, and I'd really like to be there for that. We'll see......I'm off-- night, y'all!


Molly said...

Yay! Congratulations! Now get busy!

Stephanie said...

HOoray for ovulation!!! :) Enjoy the sexy time with your husband. I'm sending lots of prayers and good luck to you!

Kristin (kekis) said...

Look at you -- ovulating on your own! :) Get to work!

C'mon back to Texas. We have plenty of room for y'all.

Baby and Me said...

Good luck!!